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What is the Maltipoo’s Life Span

Maltipoos are a crossbreed of the Maltese and the Poodle. Both these dogs are small and cute, which makes them the most loved dogs all over the world. Maltipoos are also loved as home pets due to their loving and loyal nature. They are playful and fun-loving dogs and are known to cheer up all the family members with their love and affection.

However, besides all these great qualities, Maltipoos need care so they can stay away from any kind of diseases and infections. Although many people do take care of their Maltipoos as they are dear to them, some other factors might contribute to the Maltipoos lifespan.

How long does a Maltipoo live?

The average lifespan of all the dogs is about 10 to 13 years. The cross-breed dogs are known to live longer and have fewer health issues as compared to the other breeds. Therefore, Maltipoos are also known to live a bit longer than other dogs. The Maltipoo’s lifespan ranges from 12 years to 16 years. As the Maltipoos are small in size, that too adds to their lifespan as compared to other larger dogs.

The female Maltipoos are believed to live a bit longer than theie male counterpart, by 1 to 1.5 years. Some studies show that the Maltipoos lifespan ranges from 12 to 15 years. That depends on the dog and the environment. If the Maltipoo passes away due to natural causes, the average lifespan is almost 13.5 years.

What factors affect a Maltipoos lifespan?

Although life is something that cannot be controlled, many factors can affect the Maltipoos lifespan as well as the healthspan. Many factors influence the lifespan of Maltipoos, the most important being the diet, healthcare, and inherited diseases.

If your Maltipoo is safe from any inherited diseases and is given proper diet and care, it is expected to live a bit longer and that too, with better health. However, if you don’t take care of the Maltipoo or it suffers from any kind of disease, it can decrease its lifespan. If you want your Maltipoo to live longer, make sure to take care of it and improve its diet so it can stay healthy and clean.

What are the causes of death in Maltipoos?

The causes of deaths are different in puppies and mature Maltipoos. Some of the inherited diseases are common among Maltipoos and may be the cause of their death like epilepsy, neurological disorders, congenital, and cardiovascular diseases.

Other diseases might be triggered by environmental factors. Allergies are a common cause. Although allergies can’t cause death, the discomfort and changed behavior due to allergies might affect the Maltipoos diet, and if they are frequent, it can reduce the average lifespan of the Maltipoo.

Some of the diseases in Maltipoos do not have a cure yet, but they can be detected before the onset of the disease. Diseases like cancer, trauma, and congenital are the leading causes of death in adult Maltipoos. Many of these diseases can be prevented with proper care, but some of the inherited diseases will be transferred to the offsprings. All these diseases can be treated with care and medication. Exercise can also help increase the lifespan of the Maltipoo.

How do I make my Maltipoo live longer!?

Health is the main factor that can help increase the lifespan of a Maltipoo and save it from getting serious diseases. Several ways can help make your Maltipoo live a long and healthy life.

1. A healthy diet:

A diet is what influences the healthy life of the Maltipoo. If the diet contains all the essential nutrients and vitamins, it can prove great to keep the Maltipoo away from seasonal allergies and diseases. Feeding dry food to the Maltipoo is a good choice as wet food can cause tooth decay.

Also, as Maltipoos are small dogs, they are more comfortable with eating small meals three times a day than a large meal at one time, like large dogs. Whenever you buy dog food, carefully read the ingredients, and make sure it contains all the vitamins. While the best and all-natural foods in the market are expensive, feeding healthy food to the Maltipoo does make a difference.

2. Visit the vet often:

Some of the uncured diseases can be detected before their onset, therefore, it is a good choice to regularly get your Maltipoo a checkup so it can be safe. If it has a disease, ensure regular medication as any carelessness can trigger the disease again and it may become harmful.

3. Ensure regular exercise:

Regular exercise keeps your Maltipoo fit and healthy as they really enjoy playing. Take them to a walk daily as it helps in a balanced metabolism.

4. Keep its vaccination up-to-date:

Proper vaccination should be provided to the Maltipoo since it is born as it can help alleviate any disease that might be the cause of its death. Prefer not taking your puppy out until it is 2 weeks old as they are more prone to getting harmful diseases. Also, ask your vet if your Maltipoo needs any booster shots. If it needs any, they should be provided to keep it healthy and strong.

5. Do not leave it alone for long:

Maltipoos are loving dogs and love to be held and surrounded by people. Even if your Maltipoo is crate-trained, do not leave it alone for more than 6 hours. Frequent periods of loneliness can make them suffer from separation anxiety. This leads to changed behavior and will ultimately affect its diet and health.

6. Spaying or neutering:

Spaying or neutering not only helps prevent your puppy from unwanted litters, but it also reduces the risk of a lot of diseases that can affect Maltipoos health.


An average lifespan of a Maltipoo is about 12 – 16 years and with proper care can help it live a healthy life. On the other hand, diseases and carelessness can reduce the lifespan of the Maltipoo. Therefore, it is a good idea to give your Maltipoo a healthy diet, regular exercise, clean and well loved..