Many dog owners might not consider it a good topic to talk about, but your dog’s poop indicates the health of your dog. If your dog has a poor digestive system or is facing health issues, it will face unusual stools.
Some dog owners often notice white specks in the dog’s poop. It is unusual and is an indication that your dog is unwell. It might not be an alarming situation, but if overlooked, it can be a cause of further serious infections that can risk the health of your dog. Therefore, you should find the cause of this problem.

Do white specks in the stool indicate that my dog is sick?
Finding white specks in your dog’s poop is not always a bad sign. However, it is an indication that your dog’s health is not good, and it is giving rise to some serious infections. These infections are usually related to digestion like gastrointestinal parasite infection.
You should know what your dog’s stool normally looks like, so whenever you notice it is different, you will know that something is wrong.
How to identify white specks?
If you want to indicate the cause of the white specks, you should first carefully look at the specks and analyze what they are. It won’t be a good feeling at all but will have to do it for your dog’s health. These white specks are difficult to identify.
However, one main difference will be whether they are moving or not. If the white specks are not moving, it can be safe, as they might be remnants of undigested food.
On the other hand, if they are moving, it is a sign of a parasite infection. You might have to look closely at the specks as they appear motionless first and then suddenly move.
Should I take my dog to the vet?
Yes, it is always a better choice to take your dog to the vet if you notice white specks in the faeces. He will carefully analyze if your dog has a digestive issue and will prescribe suitable medications to overcome the circumstances.
If the white specks are traces of undigested food, but you cannot figure out the kind of food, you should also take your dog to the vet in this case. It is a good act for the health of your dog.
What causes white specks in the dog’s poop?
White specks in the dog’s poop have a variety of causes.
· Fly larvae:
If your dog’s poop has been lying outside and notice white specks when you go there after a while, it is not always a problem. It is more likely to happen that the flies have laid their eggs on it that will seem as white specks to you. Your dog will have nothing to do with it.
The maggots lay their eggs on fresh dog poops and when the eggs hatch, they feed on those faeces. This will not be a problem for your dog, but it can become one for you. Even when the faeces decompose, the eggs and larvae stay there. They carry infections with them which will be transmitted to you and your family. So, you should immediately clean up your dog’s poop.
· Undigested food:
Most dog’s food contains meat along with bones. The bones are not digested properly and will appear as white specks in the dog’s feces. No dog food has only meat; there is always a small quantity or traces of bones found in the food. To avoid this, you should ensure the best quality of dog food.
· Tapeworms:
Tapeworms are parasites and can cause serious infections. They are formed in the stomach and can be several feet long in most cases. They feed on the dog’s blood and nutrients. When they grow and lay eggs, these eggs are expelled as white specks in the dog’s stool. That’s why you can see them moving in the poop.
What is the treatment of White Specks?
If the white specks are due to undigested food, prefer feeding food that contains more meat and fewer bones. Your dog’s diet is always responsible for its health. The bones in food can irritate the GI tract and cause bacterial infections.
If the infection is severe and due to intestinal parasites, your dog will require a deworming treatment. Puppies are more prone to worms, and it can be life-threatening for them. Therefore, puppies should get deworming treatment every two weeks.
Instead of treating this problem by yourself, it is better to take it to the vet. Taking a sample with you is even better as the vet will be able to diagnose the cause and prescribe suitable medications properly.
Some treatments might be less costly while some may be expensive and might not guarantee a cure. Deworming treatment can be administered orally or by injections.
A flea-free environment, proper diet, and routine checkup can improve your dog’s health and save it from many infections and diseases. Hygienic measures should be ensured, and you should be familiar with the faeces so you can speculate when something is wrong. If you cannot figure out the cause yourself, take your dog to the vet.